Objective: Digitize TRITORI’s real estate process to create an easy-to-understand, frictionless experience for agents. This platform should enable agents to track and comprehend their behavior and data while allowing higher-ups at the company to analyze and monitor this data effectively.
- Rapid Iterations: The development process needed to adapt swiftly to a rapidly evolving workflow and frequent changes based on user feedback. This required ongoing adjustments and iterations to the digital app.
- Metric Baseline: Establishing a consistent baseline for understanding and reading metrics across agents, management, and corporate levels was crucial. This involved standardizing data interpretation methods to ensure clarity and uniformity.
- Data Consolidation: The app had to consolidate data from two primary sources, Zillow Premier Agent and Sisue, and reconcile this information within the platform. This task required meticulous data integration and synchronization.
- Data Input and Output Limitations: The app faced constraints regarding the types and amounts of data that could be input, processed, and output. Navigating these limitations necessitated careful planning and optimization.
- Customizable Data Views: Providing the ability to highly customize data views and filter information in various ways was essential. The app needed to offer flexible and user-friendly options for data visualization and analysis.
- User Experience: Ensuring the digital experience was intuitive and user-friendly for agents, facilitating smooth navigation and ease of use, was a top priority.
- Scalability: The app had to be scalable to accommodate future growth and additional features, ensuring long-term viability and adaptability to evolving business needs.